In the Active Trade table, you can find the details of the currently active trade for each bot. Only one active trade is displayed at a time, and the table provides the following information:
- Bot Name: The name of the bot associated with the active trade.
- Related Exchange: The exchange platform where the trade is being executed.
- Strategy: Indicates whether the trade is a Long or Short position.
- Creation Date: The date and time when the position was opened.
- Duration: The length of time between the opening of the position and the current moment.
- Entry Price: The price of the cryptocurrency or asset in USDT when the position was initiated.
- Current Price: The current price of the cryptocurrency or asset in USDT. Please note that the prices are not live and you need to manually refresh the page to see any changes.
- % Unrealized Profit/Loss: The percentage value indicating the unrealized profit or loss for the active trade.
By referring to the Active Trade table, you can monitor the progress of the active trade, track the duration, and assess the unrealized profit or loss of the position.